Archive for Okategoriserade

Invitation to speakers, autumn conference

You are kindly invited to send abstract for the annual rubber conference organized by the Swedish Institution of Rubber Technology (SGF), 30-31 October 2019 in Värnamo, Sweden. The conference will be held in the newly finished culture, technology and conference center Gummifabriken (Rubber factory) in Värnamo.

Invitation to speakers SGF conference 2019

Protokoll från mötet i Asker

Protokoll från årsmötet samt styrelsemötet som båda hålls i samband med konferensen i Asker, Norge finns upplagda.

Presentationer från höstkonferensen

Presentationer finns upplagda här.

Autumn conference 2018

Call for papers – Nordic Rubber Conference

The Nordic Rubber Conference will take place in Asker, not far from Oslo on 21-22 May.
Hopefully, a large number of SGF members will participate.

The Norwegian Institution of Rubber Technology hereby invites speakers to submit their proposals.


Autumn conference finished

The successful and appreciated autumn conference took place last week. Thanks to all at Nynas and everybody who contributed in any way and thanks to all participants.

Hopefully hand-outs from the presentations will be available here soon.

Autumn conference Nynäshamn 2018

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NGF Höstmöte

Da har vi endelig fått satt dato for årets høstmøte i NGF. Det blir 15. november og avholdes på Quality Hotel Grand Kongsberg.

Vi regner med å starte litt før lunsj, og kan blant annet friste med omvisning og middag i sølvgruvene, samt selvfølgelig interessante, gummirelaterte foredrag. Det er mulig å overnatte for de som ønsker det (ikke i gruva).

Vi kommer tilbake med detaljert plan og påmelding i løpet av et par uker, men det er altså bare å holde av datoen!

Med vennlig hilsen
Ivar Espedal, Sekretær

Program för höstkonferens / Autumn conference program

Programmet för höstkonferensen i Nynäshamn är klart.
Det finns fortfarande platser kvar, så anmäl dig SFSM.

The program for the autumn conference is set.
Places are still available for participation, so register ASAP

SGF Autumn conference program 2018

Call for papers

If you want to participate, as a speaker, at our upcoming conference, see invitation below from our event committee.

The conference will be held in Nynäshamn on October 17-18.

Invitation to speakers_autumn 2018

Höstkonferens 2018

Nu kan du boka in 17-18 oktober i kalendern.

Nynas är värd för SGF:s höstkonferens med temat mjukgörare/ processhjälpmedel, vilken kommer att hållas i Nynäshamn. Vi bor på Nynäs Havsbad.

SGF Invitation to autumn conference 2018

RubberCon 2025

In case you have missed it. SGF will arrange RubberCon in the year 2025.

With valuable help from our Finnish friends in SKY-FGF, we were able to make the application, in front of IRCO, to get the international conference to Sweden. We are now enthusiastic that we get the honor of arranging this.

See Plastforum’s article on SGF’s spring conference and the upcoming RubberCon 2025.