ECCMR 2017


28/08/2017 - 31/08/2017    
Hela dagen


Holiday Inn
Hochstrasse 3, Munchen
Laddar Karta...

This is the 10th Edition of The European Conference on the Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR). This is the major biannual meeting for the elastomer materials community hosted in Europe. The key topics include:

  • Experimental Characterisation
  • Rheology and Processing
  • Filler Reinforcement
  • Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Elastomers
  • Stress Softening
  • Modelling of Viscoelastic and Hyperelastic Behaviour
  • Constitutive Models and their Implementation in FEM
  • Micro-structural Theories of Rubber
  • Aging
  • Strength, Fracture, Fatigue and Lifetime Prediction of Rubber
  • Industrial Applications
  • Tyres and Friction
  • Design Issues
  • Special Elastomers (Magneto-sensitive Elastomers, Soft Tissues,
  • Special Purpose Rubbers, Foams, Biopolymers)

The call for papers is now open until 15th January 2017.