Organised by the IOM3 Rubber in Engineering Group

This Afternoon Technical Discussion Meeting (ATDM) will explore the role of elastomers in transportation.
The event is due to start at 1:45pm.
The following speakers have been confirmed:
Rubber Anti-vibration Mounting Solutions on Off Highway Vehicles by Steve Sewell (Trelleborg AVS)
This talk considers anti-vibration mounting systems used on an off-highway vehicle (digger), and compares the predicted against the measured performance.
Rubber Anti-vibration Mounting Solutions for Electric Vehicles by Rob Wardrop (DTR VMS)
This paper will discuss some of the unique challenges posed for the modelling, mount design and environmental aspects for electric vehicle power-trains compared to the requirements of conventional internal combustion engine vehicles.
Selection and Evaluation of Materials to Meet Requirements of Modern Rail Fire Regulations by Joseph Hallett (Fenner Precision)
Tougher transport regulations, especially relating to passenger safety, coupled with increasing demands from end users, have led to more complex requirements for elastomers in transport applications. In this paper the development of a silicone rubber composite designed to meet these requirements will be described.
Intrinsically tuning the electromechanical properties of elastomeric dielectrics by Chaoying Wan (Warwick University)
Dielectric elastomer devices are an emerging technology for actuation and energy harvesting and storage in future lightweight electrical vehicles. However, the dielectric properties of elastomers such as dielectric permittivity and breakdown strength need to be improved before they are more widely adopted. To effect this poly(styrene-butadiene-styrene) elastomer has been modified by grafting with polar groups via a facile thiol-ene click chemistry. The resulting improvement to the dielectric and mechanical properties of the elastomers are discussed.
Developing Low Carbon Mobility Technology by Simon Buckingham (WMG Centre HVM Catapult)
WMG is a department of the University of Warwick and one of the founding partners in the High Value Manufacturing Catapult. This presentation will give an overview of our specialist research in areas including: lightweighting, energy storage and management, advanced propulsion, intelligent vehicles and digital manufacturing.
At 4pm after the talks have finished there will be a 1 hour tour of the WMG facilities relevant to the materials sectors.
5pm – Event closes
Use Eventbrite to register for this event.
Registration will be free as a consequence of the generous sponsorship from ARTIS.
A campus map highlighting the International Digital Laboratory (IDL) can be downloaded here. Car parks are also available on campus.