
Vårmøte/årsmøte for Norges Gummiteknisk Forening vil avholdes 10. mai i vakre omgivelser på Ramme fjordhotel, Hvidsten, sør for Drøbak ( www.ramme.no).  Det blir foredrag, årsmøte, middag og overnatting for de som ønsker. Vi starter med lunsj, og håper at så mange som mulig ønsker å bli utover kvelden.

Følgende foredrag er bekreftet:

  • ‘Compression stress relaxation for levetidsberegning av pakninger’ – Alexandra Torgersen – Alexandra Torgersen Engineering AS
  • ‘Finansieringsmuligheter for industrien’ –  Oddvar Gorset -Forskningsrådet
  • ‘Subsea Storage technology, storage of liquids on the seabed’ – Philip Brachet – NOV
  • ‘Subsea Oil Storage System – an Owner/Operator Perspective’ – Gunnar Hognestad – Equinor
  • ‘Formula Student: de raskeste ingeniørene! Hvordan norske racerbilstudenter tetter luken til internasjonale universitetslag’ – Simen Tufte og ?? – Revolve (NTNU)

Påmelding er åpen og gjøres her:


Vi håper å se mange av dere i mai!

Med vennlig hilsen

Annual meeting / Årsmöte

SGF invites you to the annual meeting taking place in conjuction with our spring conference in Malmö in the conference room after the first day’s program on the 30th of May 2023. Meeting is held in Swedish.

Invitation to speakers

Spring conference May 10-11

During this exceptional winter period, we are now announcing that the Swedish Institute of Rubber Technology (SGF) organizes rubber conference 10th to 11th of May 2022 at the hotel Tylösand, Halmstad, Sweden. We expect that this conference will be the largest elastomer conference in Northern Europe 2022. The conference attracts rubber technicians from most Swedish and Scandinavian rubber companies. We expect to have 100 participants from Swedish and Scandinavian rubber industry.

It is our pleasure to invite you as a speaker at our conference. Please send your abstract of maximum 250 words to . The deadline for submission is April 1st. Authors will be notified no later than April 15th. For further info please see our webpage www.sgf.se, which will be updated continuously.  We hope you would appreciate this opportunity of presenting knowledge in the field of polymers and/or rubber technology to our technically skilled audience.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Swedish Institution of Rubber Technology/Sveriges Gummitekniska Förening

More info will be published continuously, here on SGF’s homepage.